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About Me


This is my first of two blog sites for my OCA Level 3 

photography course.  It will cover Contextual Studies which will concern, generally, the written aspect of my course. The tutor who will be guiding this part is Simon Barber.


The Body of Work will comprise mostly the image aspect of the blog and will be guided by tutor Dr Wendy McMurdo.


This part of my course is self-directed so I will be exploring a million different directions before I narrow them down to a few.  I don’t have a clue at the moment which blog will cover which unit of work but I am hopeful that this will become clearer in time.


My previous, Level 2 courses, were Digital Image and Culture which can be found here, and Documentary which can be found here.



Anna Goodchild
About Me 

Born in Rome of Italian parents who decided to emigrate to Malawi when I was very young, I completed my primary education there, my secondary in Zimbabwe and my tertiary in South Africa.  My first degree was in French and History. I then went on to read Italian and English because my  aim at that time was to do a comparative literature degree. I was a languages teacher for 37 years, in South Africa and in the UK, and never did that comparative literature journey.


While teaching Italian in the UK  over a span of 20 years, I took 14 and 16 year old students  on exchanges to Italy where we went into churches, museums & art galleries. Embarrassed at how little I knew about art, I took an A Level in the history of 20th century art, caught the bug and completed the MA degree course on 20th century history of art, architecture and design at Falmouth in 2004. My dissertation for my MA focused on the Gateshead Millennium Bridge and was on the politics of iconic millennium  structures. It was while photographing the bridge that I developed a love of seeing different things in images.


In this blog, I am exploring identities which is something I started in my previous blogDigital Image and Culture.

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